
The ninth tradition states: “ [H.A.] as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”

Fellowship & Events
Click Here for access to Google Meets
The purpose of this committee is to handle the planning and execution of all gatherings within our HA district and to support and connect with surrounding area HA districts.
Contacts: Patrick A.

Hospitals Institutions and Public Information ( HIPI )
Meets on the first Thursday of every month at 8pm.
Click Here for access to Google Meets
The purpose of the hospitals and institutions committee is to bring HA meetings and resources into places such as rehabilitation centers and corrections facilities.
Contacts: Geoff

The purpose of this committee is to create, manage, and routinely update content for the WNYDHA website. Meeting schedule, HA literature, committee information, and resources for help are all kept up to date for any and all to use.

Meets on the first Sunday of the month at 7pm at 1775 East Ave.
and online on at: Google Meets Link
And online with
The purpose of this business meeting is to help unify the groups in our area as well as host committees to better help serve the groups. We cover all of Western New York and beyond. If you are a new meeting please reach out to our hotline or send us an email to get connected.
Contacts: Jenna

Joining a committee is a great opportunity to be of service outside of the homegroup level and to help spread the message of recovery!