
If you are a new meeting looking to join area you can attend the meeting online.
We meet the first Sunday of the month at 7PM.
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AREA 01/25

WNYAHA Business Meeting Agenda

Date: 1/5/2025


TJ Delegate – (1vote)

Lindsey Delegate&Fellowship – (1vote)

Zach Treasurer – (1vote)

Todd Literature/GSR/Alt Delegate – (1vote)

Michayla HIPI – (1vote)

Nick W GSR – (1vote)

Jake CoChair – (1vote)

Mitch visiting

Jenna GSR – (1vote)

Mike L Chairperson – (0votes)


-Secretary: Lucinda not here. Motion to approve minutes. Seconded. Zach sends revision of minutes in email chain, NOTE: CORRECTION TO LAST MONTHS REPORT. EVERYTHING IN THE SPREADHSEET WAS CORRECT, BUT THE TREASURY BALANCE DID NOT REFLECT THE $170 THAT WAS TAKEN OUT AND SENT TO OUR DELEGATES TO REIMBURSE THEM FOR THE CONFERENCE LEAVING THE YEAR END TREASURY BALANCE FOR 2024 AT $3,843.85 also adding in: motion that Area give the campout adhoc committee $600 for fundraising. The $600 and all proceeds will be returned to area. . Revised minutes are approved from last month.

-Treasury: $71.60 in. Prudent Reserve:$200 Treasury: $3,915.45

-HIPI: Michayla reports Jon from AA came to discuss process of getting into prisons. ALbion Wants us. Elections moves to Feb. All commitments being met. Treasury at $122.47//Incorrect information on a meeting list given to a client at Helio. He showed up for 4th Dimension on Friday to find no one there. Mentioned for HIPI to ensure their material is correct.//Jenna also mentions that when you Google Rochester HA you are directed to a VERY outdated meeting list. Mitch with website is going to work on getting this sorted out.

-Website: Mitch reports for Pat A. Spoke about adjusting some of the menus and adding some options to make it easier to navigate the website. Much easier to use than before.

-Fellowship: Lindsey reports going to have first meeting of 2025 on Jan 19th at 10am on Google Meets. She made a flyer and will be sending it out. Wants to get as many people involved as possible. Would like to discuss what we are going to do about the campout and if that is going to be a part of that committee or not. Zach asks if fellowship currently has a balance of treasury. Jenna reports somewhere around $800. Pete is current treasurer of Fellowship committee.

-Literature: Todd reports he needs $113.40 for the 5 of each book (12&12 and Big Books) Will bring up in new business. Currently has $72. $60 of which is being used to refill necessary inventory.The Literature Committee is effectively managing order processing from the home groups. I had hoped to integrate the AA and 12×12 books into the inventory, but I lack the funds since I’m unsure if they were appropriated last month. The cost for the 10 books would be $113.40, a one-time expense. The current budget for restocking inventory is $72.40, with $60 already encumbered. If the Committee is to supply the books, I would need a budget allocation for their purchase, separate from the restocking funds. I will propose a motion under New Business for the necessary funds to acquire the books. Thank you.

-Delegates: Lindsey reports conference is scheduled with a deposit to the hotel. Registration will launch on the website at the end of this week for $85 including breakfast. Dates July 9,10,11 in Arizona. Todd expresses interest in getting more involved as an altdelegate asking what he can do. Is added to FB messenger chat for delegates.


-Bangin’ Recovery: Pete is unavailable due to being in the ocean.

-Greece The Wheel: Jenna reports hasn’t been to HG in 3 weeks since she has been near the ocean. NYE was fun for fellowshipping after and HG membership is growing. She claims her HG is the best and she loves it.

-Hope Fiends: GSR not present, no report given.

-Fourth Dimension: The Fourth Dimension Home Group meets on Thursdays at 7 PM and follows a literature-based format for discussions. We offer warm refreshments on these chilly winter nights when seeking our higher power provides a sense of warmth and comfort. We average 13 to 15 attendees per meeting, and each home group member plays an active role in every gathering.

-Choose Life: Nick reports meeting is going well with a steady increase in attendance to around 30 people. The location may be changing in a couple of weeks. Working on opening a new location, HG is trying to open a clubhouse. Has regular speakers. Has a celebration at the end of this month on the 29th.


-Website Chair Election: Zach nominates Mitch. He accepts and gives service resume. Passes.

-Zach motioned that Area give the campout adhoc committee $600 for fundraising. The $600 and all proceeds will be returned to area. Much discussion on what the money will be used for and if it is necessary. Sorted out exact quorum and motion passes.


-Motion to approve one time budget for literature of $113.40 for 10 books (5Big Books and 5 12&12) Seconded. Passes.

-Mitch suggests getting public info on side of RTS buses. Chair directs him to HIPI

-TJ regretfully steps down as delegate-Will let fellowship know that we will be having elections for open delegate position next month.

Need to add Campout Adhoc Committee